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HSE technician at ATB — Malaysia

“Working at ATB has helped me become more confident.”

“Working at ATB has helped me become more confident.”

What does your role involve?

A variety of safety-related tasks. For example, I train contractors to make sure they understand and work to our standards. I also perform on-site compliance audits at the tank farm and jetty.

What has really challenged you?

The first time I attended firefighting training, I took on the challenge to become the front person responsible for controlling a nozzle. In my case I became the first “nozzlewoman” at the terminal.

What do you find most satisfying in your work?

When we end the day without any incidents or injuries.

Have you changed since working at ATB?

Working at ATB has helped me become more confident. This is important, as I need to conduct briefings for contractors, highlight safety issues and work with the authorities during audits.