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Burgan Cape Terminal officially open for business

August 30, 2017
Burgan Cape Terminal Officially Open for Business

Cape Town, 30 August, 2017 – Yesterday, Burgan Cape Terminal, Cape Town’s first  independent oil storage and distribution terminal, officially opened in the Eastern Mole of the Port of Cape Town. The city’s newest energy asset offers 122,000 m³ of diesel and petrol storage – and will offer the option to blend bioethanol and biofame (diesel).

Burgan Cape Terminal is jointly owned by BBBEE companies Thebe Investment Corporation (15%) and Jicaro (15%), and global storage and terminal operator, VTTI (70%).

Burgan Cape Terminal, designed to receive fuel product by sea, store it, and distribute it by truck, will provide an essential alternative for local fuel supply, and will significantly reduce the chances of fuel shortages previously experienced in the Western Cape. The terminal received its first product delivery by sea in June this year.

Rob Nijst, CEO of major shareholder VTTI, who was in South Africa to mark the official opening, said: “We are proud to officially open Burgan Cape Terminal, South Africa’s newest energy asset.  The black-empowered, independent storage facility will play a critical role in strengthening the country’s security of fuel supply, energy flexibility and will enable South Africa to benefit from the latest and cleanest fuels.  We are also incredibly excited to add the vibrant city of Cape Town to our international network of leading fuel storage and distribution facilities.”

Burgan Cape Terminal’s own jetty can accommodate vessels of up to 50,000 DWT, and product will be loaded into trucks for onward distribution by a fully automated loading rack. The facility expects to load more than 36,000 trucks in its first year.

At its peak, the project employed around 500 workers, and together the workforce notched up a remarkable 1.3 million working hours with zero safety incidents.

About Burgan Cape Terminal

Burgan Cape Terminal is 70% owned by VTTI, a fast-growing independent provider of energy storage worldwide. Created in 2006, VTTI has grown by offering safe and responsive terminalling services to the energy trading sector in 16 locations across 5 continents. With the opening of BCT, storage capacity across the network now stands at 9.1 million m³.

The remaining ownership is held equally by two black-empowered organisations, Jicaro (15%) and Thebe Investment Corporation (15%).

Jicaro is a 100% broad-based Black Economic Empowerment investment company, whose members include women, youth and representatives from rural communities. Thebe Investment Corporation (15%) is a majority owned entity of the Batho-Batho Trust established by anti-apartheid leaders Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Enos Mabuza and Beyers Naudé.

Together, the new terminal’s shareholders combine robust financial resources with a wealth of terminalling and sector experience.

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